Amidst the chaos, he and others awake to supernatural powers that had long lain dormant - powers inherited from a previous life. When the dust settles, the entire campus has dimension shifted, and the students find themselves stranded in an alien world. Nozomu’s everyday life is shattered when the school is suddenly attacked by strange invaders from another world wielding medieval weapons and fantastic magics. The purpose of this video is to promote the origina. Seinarukana -The Spirit of Eternity Sword 2- Opening Video. English Patch: Seinarukana - The Spirit of Eternity Sword 2 (High School cum Fantasy. Let's Play Seinarukana: The Spirit of Eternity Sword 2 - Daraba Uhla's Boss Fight - Normal Mode - Duration: 9:17. Story synopsis: Seinarukana follows the dimension-traveling adventures of Nozomu and his band of friends. The story opens in a typical high school in Japan. So this is a very exciting release for many of us. It is really only from a couple screenshots on the preorder page that you can even know that this is an 18+ game. The second game in the series is an VN/SRPG hybrid and appears to have even better production values than the first, while still maintaining some vividly NSFW scenes. This coincides with the Steam Greenlight campaign going live this week for the first game in the series. By / January 27th, 2016 Seinarukana, the second game in the Spirit of Eternity Sword series, had it’s site go live today.